Ang Se Ang Laga Lay 2 Full [CRACKED] Movie Blu-ray 1080p
Rr4W 4WI1I TIlE SUN SUN1AY OCTOBERS 1004 LOISEAUYlINS WINS APIRE A FINE RACE RACEi RACES RAGEAtEsf 1I2A AtEs I iE8 S PROSPECT pnospcr111TH aAXDI aAXDIWITH B tND iCAPt WITH 1111 133 J32POUNDS i3 POUNDS UP UPUdom VPAi UPIIifIIi Ai i Odom Drive the Con l From Fm Away Uaek Uaekr Vokttnd uac uacnnd1 nnd ld Oeata Beat Cbr Chr1ftIs rtl > itlls Noso NOIIDal ouDaInIy ouDaInIyr Dalni DalniCainurcar r j 1 i i 1 Trims Uluclter BlucheFlvC fJIucherFIve Five Favorltw l iose ioset ioseNlLy si siNenrlyf t I1 Nenrly 10000 0 persons pernl saw IIW come me brllllnn brllllnnruclng brJllt brJlltraclnrnt brIU1tntyaclnrruclng raclnrnt at Jravesend yesterday yesteray afternoon afternoonTh attrnoon attrnoonThfv afternoonThivTh Thfv Thiv iv iww the Wratero colt clt Olsoau OII0u win 1ln tb tbTroepoot the tbeJrpo theoepoctTroepoot Jrpo oepoct Handicap Inndlcap for twoyearolds atabou ataboutk atnbouthV clx tk h furlongs fUllonls In II phRnoinenal phloolenl style Uie tle th victor victorlielngbyfar victorYII belnaby lielngbyfar being by far the themolt most popular event of th thday the thej thedayj day da Oiftcnu Oeeau picked picke up the te crushing cuehlnl Itn Itnpost 1mJost Imff post Jost of 1S2 18 is pounds founds and with wih Ueorge ore Odon Odonup Odomup dom domFF k up was a made tlie tt favorite faoletbouab though tu tuo tie tieOld tue tueoddswenLbaokfrometoto3tOlo Old oddswenLbaokfrometoto3tOl oddswenLbaokfrometoto3tOll l gavo avo twelve pounds pundl to Woodsaw oo8w the te bes bescolt bet betclt beet beetcoltcolt clt In InBdney Sydney Pntefa Pa Pat eta atnble ItaMe eleven pound poundto pund pundtoI to John JobnSanfords Bnnforda Burnt numt Hills I Is Illtwo Ilen pound poundto pund pundtok to James R Keenea Keons iA Mint twenty twentyeight twentyliM twentYqq eight to E R Thomass Thomls Voloday olaay sixteen slxteeito llt sixteend n ntd t to Pierre Piere lorlllRrdB l ilarl rbrysitls brl1ll and BO 1 01 01down on ondom onxx down to the Mllltown Mitwn Stables Bank ankwbo who wa wato was wasfir 1fir to l wo ttoflpt receipt lpt of tlilrtj tblrtenn thIrt3eeen seven Burnt Kills KillsWpbdsaw HII littleyy I Wpbdsaw Wodllw Voodsaw Volnday olnda Wild Ud Mint and nd Think Bnnlwere Bnnkwere Thinkpp were were all al well wtU playexl 1Iare to beat the crack crac Oinn Oinncolt Ola Olaclt O1n21JJ colt clt but blt ChrysitU thrells who ho ran ra second Icnd wa waneilected was a aII 4 nellecte nei neilected lected at U I to I tAt IAt III P At the start Olseau Oilell did not get away an antoo any anyt anIftIft too t wel we and was W nut to let Ilt on thC thl > far turn turncomplctlr tur turnrr rmpletlr complctlr shut Ihut In Chrysltls hrYlltl meanwhile meanwhlliHills menwhie menwhie1a meanwhilewae1a wae raclnl racing out In frnt front with Woodsaw Blmt BlmtO Burnt Burntii O Hills JI8 and ld Austin Austn Allen Alen following folowlnl In a bunch bunchWhen bunchWhen bunchEE When Chrysltls Cbrllts turned ture Into tho stretch Itret h Oloeat Oloeatwas OINAU OINAUl Ofreaucc l was Wl8 still 8tl In lneuch each a predicament prlcament that nobody nobodjbelloed nobodyI y ybelooI belloed beloo that he had a ghcet IhGst of a I chance chanc ti tiwin to towIn towinwin Odom dom moved move up Uf near nefr the tie rail rli In i isudden a aludden aii sudden attempt atempt to come me through throulh but wee waishut Wi WiIhut weeIiIi shut Ihut off or Benin Then he took tok the game Iame colt colto olt oltto coltfifi to the outside and Id put him under a tcrrlfli tcrrlfliwhipping terilo terilowhlpplni terriflowhIpplnLwhipping whlpplni Chrysltis hrllls had drawn clear o othe of ofthe ofrr the others otber and was WIS sailing lalng down to the wire wlrtapparently wireapprenty wireapparentiapparently apprenty the winner when hen tho cry e went wtnt up upHere upUrrp up11reHere comes the favorite favorlrt favorlrtWith tnxorltrtWith t tWithWith trementlouB tremendoul speed Olseau Oilea u bore bor dowiupon down downupon downii upon uponthe the Lorlllnrd Lrlhrd filly 11 Odom whipping whlpplnl will willall wih wihal withtt all al his hil might and main OXrlll ONrlloked looked btcl btcland bck bickII and quickly want w nt to t the whip too to bu buChryslth but butCry butt0t Chryslth Cry tl wsll ni fjgtd fgid out xvt II wie nt equs equsto equal fHtU1t equalII r to t Uieemrc3ncy te the fm entrg3ncy rlmc and In a finish fnlsb thathrough thathroughu that hrougbt hrougbttt u 1 routine ru hl cheer from ron fan tll spsctiUrt lP ct Ihr Olssai Olssaiwon 011 Oisatii nu nuwoab couplo of Inches In 111 38 38Burnt 5 5ki won the race roe by a 01110 Inchelin 11 31k Burnt Hills His who wi WI ws Suvay wjr poorly and ha hato had hadt hadI the so eotee ties 111 e but he was waspronounced WoS WoSprnoulCd weII pronounced prnoulCd perfectly perfect sound und by his trainer tralneibt trainerIt trainerljtbt It r ron ronJohn on onJohn onJohnJohn Sinfords Snfordl Ciushniwigi CUhnw111 11 I to tofavorlt i ifavorite 5 5ii favorite favorlt an on a dUtr tistrsingly > Mln lnlly ly poor oor rice uc In th thOrlrntit the theOrllnt11 theOrientilOrlrntit Orllnt11 Handicap 11ndlrp for all nllles au ages at lt a mite mlo and andaa quarter QU rtr He le picked up UI 127 patmJ p3lnJt hid hidnothing hidi hdnothingi nothing of hh hl usual usl spoed s fed ied and an finished nnlthed abio abiolutly ab aboliitiy o olltrIlutly lltrI last Dainty Dolntlnd Ibint and Proper the te Jennings Jenningsentry Jcnnlnll Jcnnlnllentry JenningsI Jenningsentryentry ruted rl d a hot siconJ e on cholcj colCJ at IS to towith S Swith GwitI with wit with Gunfire Ounlr n bicked dawn tj t 4 to t I August AugustBelinonts AUlutt AUluttt August3eimontsVale also a1e will willsupported w wiflsupportedt Belinonts Blmonts Lord Lrd of tho was ailo 1f supported spported at sevens O Jlnt alnty > nude all al oftS oftSrunning oute outet oftLeII running rnnlnl with Lord of the Vale ale second ecnd and andProper andPper andcc t Proper Pper third This order orcr was wa never changed changedrtftfr changednt changedCC rtftfr nt th tl It 5t t irt although alhoulh It Itwol was wa a I thrilling thrillingflnlili tbrllni thrillingflniihflnlili Wlllln Wil DivU D I extended pJ311ded Dainty Dlnt to t th thlast the thelat thelastIllthlast lat ounce and she won by b half a lentt lenttwith len Ienthwith th thwltIrwith Lord of tie to Vale aIe a length before beore Proper ProperAladaDale ProperAIIaDe ProperCC AladaDale wltIr AIIaDe on 00 ons of the tl outsiders was 1 fourth fourthn four fournt Gunfire when whenIn whenIn wheninn length lenlth and ands a half hal hack OunlrIn a prominent position pOllton on the far turn was waialmost wal walo10oSt wasii almost o10oSt knocked to t her knees Hlldebranc Hlldebrancpulling Ildbrand IldbrandPUl1111 to a fall The Th time tlmtwas timewaspulling PUl111 her up t escape eSCJfe 1 fdl tme tmewaswas 308 O 15 15The 1 1The4 The steeplechase al of view leww8 iew was simply a farce A ton tn of mone monewas money moneywal moneywageredwas wal wagered on Hoyelle Hoele even een money favorite favoriteand fa favoriteand vorle vorleandwauerewhenthe Cbamblet gelding fell felat fellatand was wa lost 10lt wlenthe Chmblet Kldlnl felat the pnddool jump Jlmp second secnd time around aroundSpencer aroundSp aroundSpencerSpencer Sp ncer Kelt tumbling tumlln ovrr him a I secant secantlater lecond lecondlalr second secondlaterlater lalr Lavator 11ator who ho went up to S to t I thre threhis tew tewo threw threwhishis rider at the first t jump on backstretch thehackstretchbut the hckstr backstretchbut tcb tcbbutwo but butw was remounted remountd only anI to finish lnllh a quarter quarteiof Quarlerofof a mile behind the te winner Candllngthind Candllngt Cndlnla Cndlnlabind Candlingshindhind imle legs landeJ In the water 1ater and Ind that made madihim mlde mldehIm madehimhim hIm atop but he managed to flnlsh fnish third thirdTbe thirdTbe thirdTbeTbe successful euceful ItP horse was ee The Ragged Cava Cavaller Caa CaaUer CaveII Uer 4 to 1 who draw drCw away awa after atr the fin finjump thial thialJumpjump Jlmp and and beat betG Gacar car a to t I by y three the lengths lengthIn lengthsinL In 4M 4 45 28 28After 21 25II After causing causlni a delay at the post pst by b unruly unruljbehavior unrulybehalor unrulyII behavior Old England Encland who closed coled equa equafavorite equal equalfavorlte equalfavorItefavorite favorlte with 1th Counterpoise Coun rphe at 19 1 to t 6 was waiallowed wastallowed to get away running runnlnl to t a poor pr atari atariin startIn tartInt in the te we first frt race rAe at about six Ilx furlongs turlonl T TvC Ti TCi vC C McDowells loDoels Geranium Glranlum backed backe down t tZlS to toj toA > r baSIs I 18B 7B i iOUhntUnd II iiOltiigInd51fliCItmTTtnS l 11 501 0l 19 19yionas 1 ICzz yionas ionaa 100 lt2deaay W lensy ooi 11 30114 30114Poor 211 201 II IIrImerIme me 11 11124 11124PoorPoor stan wan on drtvinf c10r ijving Oeranlumtir Omolum Urrantum br f I b baitarore by byLIErrrlan1tI LIErrrlan1t LazuroreJr1IIIrd aitarore Por 11 JrllUrd 111 o ooe oaard ne l and ad trained trainedSTtOXDttACX rne by byietCMcAJitU= i tU1 ocf STtOXDttACX STtOXDttACXK InoaAC svrocnnAciSIeePIC5JeK Steeplcaase Sle1bue handicap odlcP for or threeyearolds tbrerurlda an anup Iod and andparup par ar > tlooo I0MJ added d about IU two miles urB and a hair hairIltruunaAgt b MItinreeueeAge1 IltruunaAgt wt JI Jocttv netting Fin FinTheB pierbeHagredC5I4S ITheB rbeHagredC5I4S Plif eRareOII gsedC8lt Klnnrgan nnrrn 41 41 even evenOaae ennGe I IkacOaae r 0 l01ernhardt 10Itmbrl 01 1 63 63Candling 12 10 > ta1 a Candling Ge aged Uxt n onuhue non > buc si 1 42 2 2Lv S Saviur1 CndlDr Xavmur aviur ge ItoyeDe Lv acrd rtlt U Vrltch rlch Iteh even en 25 25flpencernetf 27 flpencernetf 8 lreUe encf 4 4S3UrMI J I tThrewrldervaArrnioHildand TAgewnuer rder aarrrnoiiicdand rrmoll1 nd finished nnLbe Ketl Ketllime FeUii > 1 i i tl lime lme 4s 41 4r 4rGood 25 25Good 2 2iGood Start won WD drtvtnc The Itagrrd llrt Cavallrr Cavallrrr Cvner CvnerJtJt i br GI I b by 1oumanientenerdaIe IOlrcnlnneralr drvnr owne oned 1 hr Mr MrUAor Mri4orUAor i4or tne tritned b by W V 3i fora Hogan HoganTflIIID1 r TBIBD mUlt IUCR IUCRvi 11C 1UEaa vi Prospect PrPc Handicap Jlndllp for ftr twoyearolds ocarld 12 12MJed 1 2O 2Of1iIJMJed f1iIJ about six furlong furlongv frunrJe abut aat 1 v HoruaaiAtt lor hors iind n4A Aee WK 11 IEr Jockey JOU netting nrtn Fin FinOlteau FIl FIlII FtcOIestIOlteau > 112 Odom 21 even e eIJ Ik IkChry11 lbpp Chry11 Chry Il 2 IUOMIII II lai lll si sic i jt jtic i 3umlinuvai 2tumt Inu 2 28lUl3ebrnd l8IHUrbrand 18IUrbrad 72 7 76 76z I IIFaaadeuaz IFaaadeua IJ eua2H11 2 IIIA anln crib Mln ISl III si siBank 1 C CDol 4flankBank 2 HTravera ITnr 14 TiMera ir III W1 > l CI a ausilijAIlen aul 5tt Dol usilijAIlen Anen J 257KUng 17Kun B7Kunr cf CIl l 201 ot 01 a accroodUW IID 5rr s JIm ID ul flesille UIUe 2 2103llrnniins a0 rmmln 25I 1 101 ItI 7 7Vo 7VotaeyVotaey 3I0fledtCfU ft ai 21 8 81 aUoodWay2lonefemccroodUW Vo J l Irnt 81 1 21 21WttJ 21 0 0Yll aWUJWttJ Utnt Yll 2118 31I7SbaW > 117Sh w 81 5I It CI i 10 10Tlue 10c 10V1V1 Tlue c 111 11 sJ sJGood 8s CSGoodGood start woo 1O drl drlnr drilag Inr oivau Ohlaueb eh c c 7bV 7bVI bi biOmtM br brOI OmtM O G Klty Kt slr Ounn 0 owned owe by 1 1 G Grerner G ner tnlneby rained rainedotliTnby c 0 B Htld edrocuili cnn IUCB IUCBOrtentt IC eaca2e2e Ortentt ornbl Hantflap nnlirp for all u acts I 7 2Z03 03 added addedHern adde addedrr erie uil h alil d a qlaer quartea quarteatLtL l Hern lie or I and 1 Aft A Wt 1 JotJttv JO 7te nnttnf lrln Fin FinDili Fn Fnecl lieZlihDili iT lllWlftM 84 even ecl i iLerdoUheVale41IBIync 1Llo Id IdSS LerdoUheVale41IBIync Lcrdcfthe Ibe aIe41I51ynC 71 63 2 2 2i 21 21PPoolQOom 21Proper >Llo Proper 41IOfldOTn i ir > a even i iAUn II IIAW aIW aIWAlinefiale1lnrhuupsAUn Alinefiale1lnrhuups PPoolQOom rDaIeS allH1IPbIWp21 je HPhllllps 301 11 11CrbtlaORem Ii l 4 4Ctrbunclel 4CirbuneleI1r4fledftmAW Ctrbunclel CirbuneleI1r4fledftm lMRedfrra 201 21 81 6 6AmcADder41l8OVrJII aAMCdtUIOrplIl 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LIucbOr2 IlOfledleru llern > 26 ti Itlhrnor2I0Loe litlshtgnora2 UMtnora21osLyne 1OLLvne l 11 t t1 11 I 1 1ltauneni3I7EurnsHaimeutl luamell2 ltauneni3I7Eurns 107Bums ftI 1 H 4 4panoeUuslc3 4anD 4DanoeMuslcSiIO71lftbrend >panoeUuslc3 DanoeMuslcSiIO71lftbrend anD YllcI > l07tliebrand 10I 0Dur1 ebru 71 llB 11 S SCcdrrstromrj I Iederstrome2llOnbavl01Ccdrrstromrj ederstrome2llOnbavl01 no8hau 1001 IOl aui 0I 1 e aLIIItU2 SICderlrome2110Bba fiunilleylla LIIItU2 I IllIltIIeylI3 i ttOIt 10 OlPhllp 11Phillips PhIllips ZO1 21 Si 81 l 7 7uisque2 7107A1ruisque2 tC7Alra 107A1r nn nnOI toi lSi 01 01rnd s sKaasll 5GrandGrand rnd sient3ll0WDavta 61 50I 20I 1 0 0UKal2I0DOCIDOOI 0KaaIIZUKal2I0DOCIDOOI Kaasll KaaIIZ Z1210Da1 lV7DOConno300l 107 DOiioo3I 10J1 10 10H 10m 10lrcUmerlckz m 2lolanln tioxiartln 101 toI tl tl 11 11SmsllLadyJ IItfmlIIlAdy2H SmsllLadyJ maldy2UnCrmcrIDl lrc 107CreamertOO 401 401 13PrinccaaErlJ2 Pprnclr2I0lllnr801 PxjnceuEfl2to 107Schllllnr ScIiIIlIng 101 101 101 It 18ernPerry Wlckcs3 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I ItdshlnmanMtdshtnmanl Ithtnman tdshlnman S ojSfhllllrr 101 101 0I 101 10 I 4 4lloodmlnk ClotnkIIwon 4ltoodelnk5lloodmlnk lotnkIIwon TOW ollllrr I flesis u 61 51 i 21 I BClurlnnattu IrlnrnAlu IClnctnnfttua4lflAflodfernClurlnnattu rlnrnAlu Clnctnnfttua4lflAflodfern 4 lMRedfern UIneterD lfti 41 e eSlonew I SStonewsll4Slonew SlneweUIOTrer Stonewsll4 114CBTravers Irravers KM 1 81 7 7Prccedsj 7ProeIODur 7Prceeds3100llurnsPrccedsj ProeIODur Prceeds3100llurns ioapums Bi 1 21 8 8nrtrand4 81 Sfltigantl4nrtrand4 logLyre 201 1 5I l B BHevellle3 0Redle310Cmmln SRrvettle3103CiimminLHevellle3 Redle310Cmmln Rrvettle3103CiimminL 103Cr1mmlns SI 1 21 2110 2110Iydrrc 10 10Hydrantrea1 10HydrangoaMlHydrantrea1 Iydrrc HydrangoaMl > i W v Hetsy HoisyIOOl elsyl01 1001 201 2t U UTime 1 LITimeTime Od doodstt won on Tm rival Crvh arvtt b f 4 4 by rfGol en OaterPlnk t Cottage Coltre owned by byHUs tJ F De DeLt PaHitHit Lt tialaed tlane ly LJ J 1 Po IOfr IOfrA Yos frs frsAt rs rsAt >At A Chlc ChIosu ChIosuChicAno 1010 1010cmcl BO BOCrnciooChicAno Oct O I 1VI 1VIrgtlts Vlrtlla III Dmdleva Ordlev Ahol Aholthe Abll Aheisthethe cmcl mare mer of 0 many mar 5urprte aurre her career today tooay at Worth onb by lallinlttr awe awetrim w wrnm WV WVmmtrim err a e gwd > d Aeldli fedl fleId Li A the Cilumet lurCI Handlsp Hadlp lalnlr whir whirwt whlrbW whlihwswt W the > feature elr nf a fAirlY good 10d card ar Ah AhWi I Iwas Is Iswaswas Wi a te 10 to I shot snt ti the te bell bllc betlilg he She won wn pulled ptilleup pule pullednitup by y four leicthi arlh frjm fr > 1 Reiervatlm ne lera In n wh whi 11 > > beat beanut beatnut herAnutnut UI Branra rea The numellTennei oomiliatl CmI1U > n f flIt1 lle1 ti I make mkerUP i icoup a aCOIIPTe coup nurelTenel ti l the nnt race rewbcn when The P PI > g after ater bel belhkrd belg belgbeeked > i ihackedhacked rUP hkrd fmm 4 to I I to 1 0 14 to 1 B I was beaten belen at allhe the winby win wIreby Ire Irebby b Dod Andenon AndenonPint AndcmnPnt AnderiousF1rtPint Pnt Race nccx flace511 Six furlopjrs trI furtniyeDed Dod D Anteraon Arrtln r rcond 10 10Shaven t0 104 104ShavenISvcnJ Shaven SI 1 S 1 to I wn won The Fl Fig 17 lii ISIII Spit n Illn Illnnd It I 5 5secondsecond cond nd sir sirTime tr lIar al I 10 IS S Trxler 9 1 2 Ihr thIrd thIrdlimeTime me ti tiPNhr t1 117 21 35 Kerllp Ilerttre Snawv nruI UI op TvAIr Trovat re reratherrather PNhr 1 1sen TMIeII Lly Lely nellr flellelr Ine sop fahl fahlSe MsyibaIsen Se ReiulmK TAlet Sunny Sy Share S3r Frank M 5 aad ad Mara MaraAchlin ur MaraschlinAchlin n also at ran ranSecond rln ranSecnnd111 Second 5 d Rare RaPve flareFive Five furl trnlTe furlnTha nn The Dell Dle 10 10U 100 100ItIt U II l to I Mnd Black Art 10 100 Selmtel esmster1 6 50 10 I Ihtr Ithirdthird htr Time Orc 104 10 Mlw Iu Jrrrtan Jrra Kale Kile 911 lit tt Ixm IxmDlxn lMrd lMrdPlzn rDlxn Truffle Tr1re Hunter Ilter and 0 Id n ramel larnel amel 11 sln lv < ran ranThlra ra ra